
          可惡的VOA中文部 st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}可惡的VOA中文部 2009年6月,美國之音(VOA)中文部犯了一個不可原諒的 部落格錯,頁面雖有繁體與簡體之分,但是繁體的連結卻直接跳入簡體。換言之,繁體消失在VOA中。完全是不敢見陽光的小人手法,怎會是堂堂美國政府機關?部落格滬榆獢C 而這,是在馬英九宣布「視正書簡」約略同時發生的。 此事經許多網友反映後,VOA予以更正。 現在,又來了。 現在的狀況是:點選繁體,根本進不?部落格h。根本無繁體的連結。 美國政府的宣傳機構,放棄繁體的使用人口了嗎?包括香港、新加坡與東南亞與北美? 還是,有VOA華裔員工己一幾的政治好惡,而胡搞亂搞呢 結婚? 請剪下網友提供的這封信,貼到這裡,向VOA反映。 To whom it may concern Your Chinese website repeatly changing back and fo 結婚rth between Simplied Chinese and Traditional Chinese. This causes a lot of inconvenience for readers who are mastering only the Traditional Chinese. 代償There are million people around the world who are using Traditinal Chinese daily and can not digest the Simplied version at all. For a website of an institute like Voic 房屋買賣 e of America , there must be a provision of convenience for readers who are used to the Tradional Chinese. Chinese character should not be so "Chinese" for reasons that the character is n 保濕面膜o longer a patented language used only in China . It is rather a popular language everywhere in this world, but not necessarily simplied. Your immediate attention in this matter is greatly appreciated. table.MsoN 買屋ormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 【相關閱讀】 Viva Mr. Ma連美國人也臣服   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋貸款  .


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